Manufacturing in the U.S. faces major challenges, such as finding skilled workers with the discipline needed to produce efficiently. Also, labor costs are generally higher in the US compared to Mexico and other Asian countries.
Labor costs can range from $2 to $3 an hour in Mexico, while in Asian countries it can be as little as $0.99 to $1.50 an hour in your fanciest factory. In contrast, hourly labor costs in the US typically range from $15 to $25 plus taxes/benefits/union dues.
Given these cost differentials, it becomes critical to find ways to increase productivity and efficiency in the manufacturing process, thereby offsetting higher labor costs in the United States. This may include optimizing machine usage, automating where feasible, streamlining processes, and minimizing waste.
By employing a variety of problem-solving approaches and focusing on increasing production efficiency, you can manufacture backpack concepts in less time with a specific number of operators and machines. This may require careful analysis of production steps, identifying bottlenecks, and devising innovative solutions to streamline the overall manufacturing process.
Remember, this prototype is still under development. By continually iterating and refining your approach, you can overcome challenges and develop a viable and efficient manufacturing system for your backpack concept.